the music of spiders.

Here’s a quick link to what I would call “Tim Burton-esque” spider music video.

I didn't have my glasses on....

spider music

The humble spider has always been well represented in the musical world, from Ziggy Stardust to the Who and Wilco. For too long, though, we’ve refused to let them relate their experiences to us more directly. That’s now changed, thanks to the work of scientists who are turning spiders’ vibration-based perceptions into music.

Vice recently profiled the work of MIT engineering professor Markus Buehler, who leads a team that’s working to translate web vibrations into sounds we can actually hear. The project uses “the physics of spiderwebs to assign audible tones to a given string’s unique tension and vibration” through a process called data sonification.

The resulting models can be explored through virtual reality software or listened to via examples recorded by Buehler and his collaborator Tomas Saraceno. The music created by manipulating the models is incredible—an eerie approximation of how spiders understand their environments.

Buehler says that the project’s goal is…

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5 thoughts on “the music of spiders.

    1. Yeah, do we really need to start a war with another species due to a lack of communication? I meant, “It’s really nice to meet you!” not “It’s really nice to eat you!” Dammit! Why didn’t anyone learn “I’m sorry” in arachnid first!


    1. Since I play video games, it makes me think of Mass Effect 2, where I did indeed befriend the Arachnid queen and she helped me defeat a mutual enemy. I’ll take allies in what ever form they may come.


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