Adapting to a Hotter World

The heroes in the next chapter of human survival will come from all walks of life and all branches of disciplines. Don’t give up hope just yet, things can still change for the better. When you give up, you’ve already lost. I’ve tracking climate change for over 25 years. While it is a large and complex problem, don’t let the thought of it overwhelm you. Like any large, complex problem we need to break it down into smaller steps. My advice for anything you try to conquer in life, is to take what overwhelms you and break it down into parts you can handle. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Photo by Scott Webb on

I want to make a bold new suggestion. What if we stop trying to fix our current societies “as is” and break the current schema? These small, fragmented patch jobs spread out across sectors and hindered by greed and red tape could quite possibly doom us all. What if we could build a new interwoven framework to create just, regenerative societies? I really love the idea of a “regenerative society.” To heal ourselves, our communities, and the landscapes in which we reside. How though?

Next time you have the opportunity to let your mind wander, I want you to think about what a regenerative society would look like in your eyes.

Feel free to share your ideas in the comment section below, write your own blog post and let me know about it, or email me. Maybe you will come up with ideas that pertain to the work that you and bring fresh ideas to your business, family, and communities. I hope you get promoted for being such a forward-looking thinker. We need you for the future of humanity. If you’re retired, the good news is, you’re not dead yet and there is still so much that you can do within your community! Depression can strike any age, gender and spiritual belief. I’ve always found that being part of something greater than myself gives me peace, passion and  happiness, even as an introvert. Do what feels comfortable to you.

We’re seeing the effects of drought, heatwaves, flooding, and typhoon damage nearly daily. Trying to manage these events as they happen is nearly impossible. The best strategy is to plan for them in advance, which can be difficult when people are stuck in an “out of sight, out of mind” way of reacting to things. As a disaster preparedness geek, I’m always planning one season ahead. In the summer I prepare for Fall, in the Fall I prepare for the Winter and in the Winter I prepare for Spring. Staying one step ahead helps me save money by buying supplies “out of season” and often with more selection. This also gives me the chance to do some research to make sure that what I think I need and what I actually need are the same thing. Sometimes through my research I discover I don’t need to buy anything at all, just reorganize something I already have. I can often create what I need or find someone in my community to help or trade with.

Photo by Maria Orlova on

How can society benefit from planning ahead?

A lot of the research has already been done. Some it has been lost and needs to be rediscovered and/or embraced by a larger segment of the population. Serious mistakes have been made in the past, both on a human rights level and an environmental level. Here in the U.S. there is an urgency to help Indigenous Americans reclaim their lands and rights that were stolen during decades of genocide. The restoration of these lands and rights could help all of us benefit from nearly forgotten practices of land management that are only now being given serious consideration and rigorous academic studies that they deserve.

Photo by Pixabay on

Looking beyond national borders also gives us ideas about what works in other areas of the world. The current trend in environmental articles last week have been two-fold. Several articles talk about how trees are important to relieving the “heat island effect” in cities. Once again we see disparities of who gets trees in their neighborhoods, which often tend to be pre-dominantly White, upper class neighborhoods. The trees themselves did not ask to be objectified as status symbols for wealth. Its class systems and social hierarchies who has decided who gets to benefit from nature. I’ll state the obvious, this practice needs to be abolished. Trees and plants for all!

The second common thread of environmental articles these last few weeks had to do with white paint. Famous pictures from Greece, especially from the Cyclades islands depict white building with blue domes. While this white paint is derived from mined gypsum, scientists are exploring other ways to benefit from the properties of the white paint for broader use without having to mine it. One study is focusing on the properties of a beetle, Lepidiota stigma. I believe if we can understand how this works at a molecular level, we can come up with eco-friendly paint formulas in various colors.

Photo by Raquel Costa on

This week I’m researching “Tiny Forests” for next weeks post. Stay tuned. Have a safe and comfortable rest of your week!

Tree Equity Score highlights lack of cover in low-income areas (

How cities can avoid ‘green gentrification’ and make urban forests accessible (

In Cleveland, Better Housing Is Climate Justice : NPR

This whiter than white paint cools buildings (

Lighter pavement really does cool cities when it’s done right (

Why shade trees are hard to find in redlined neighborhoods (

18 thoughts on “Adapting to a Hotter World

  1. Thank you for such a thought-provoking post and for all the links you’ve given. I think it’s good advice to think about how we can resolve problems in our own communities – sometimes looking at things on a global perspective can be overwhelming.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Stop it! [I don’t mean that] I am talking myself into buying a very small woodland as I type. I’ve been thinking about it over the last couple of days – I am thinking about buying it simply to preserve what is there so that some other bugger doesn’t rip it out. Ack. And now your post is pushing me to do it!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Can you find some like-minded people to help pitch in for the cost? Maybe you can find a rare plant, animal or insect and get it set aside as a habitat preserve with a local jurisdiction or nonprofit group.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Melanie, So many things to contemplate here and two things are coming to mind for me. First, anything about supporting trees and forests is huge for me. The more I learn about the interconnected nature of forest, and the world, the more it becomes an vital issue for me. The second is the food system. From mono-culture practices, to the exploitation of workers, to animal cruelty, to environmental damage, the food system is broken and rethinking these practices are vital to the planets health. I can’t wait to hear about the Tiny Forests!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Mark! It’s all inter-related, that’s what makes it so big and overwhelming, but we can’t drive ourselves crazy thinking we have to solve everything by ourselves. If nothing else, the links provided at the end of a post show us that other people, often people with expertise in those areas, are thinking about these things too. We recognize their efforts, support it when we can, and seek our own place within the collective effort to make the world and the future better for all of us. (Well, this is my point-of-view at any rate. ;))

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Well written piece, Melanie. Many good ideas, but maybe more than anything, the idea that we don’t quit is the most important. Thanks for sharing your ideas. As always, well thought out and well worded.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Schingle! I do my best! I appreciate every person who read these posts. Its an honor to pull together sources of inspiration and prove that none of us are alone in our hopes for a better future.


  5. Our society needs a complete makeover. The best way to start is locally. Elect better local people who will work for change, and work to help them. You have to start from the bottom up, build a good foundation. (K)

    Liked by 2 people

  6. So refreshing to read a post as thoughtful and insightful as this. And how marvellous that you’ve even thought of tangible, sensible ways to incite change. It’s really inspiring and provides hope that there are still folk out there who DO actually care about the planet and each other. Well crafted and well done!

    Liked by 2 people

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